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In Children's Church, children learn Bible Stories and participate in activities that promote their Spiritual Development. Children are taught Bible Stories in a creative way, and are encouraged to learn Memory Verses each week. A memory verse is an important component of the children's church ministry. The whole purpose of the Children's Ministry is to instill God's Word into our children's hearts, ultimately winning them to Jesus Christ, and in being there for them in their Christian growth.


Psalm 119:11 offers the promise, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."

LISTEN... You can almost hear them singing now

"Jesus Loves the little Children - all the Children of the World..."


What does it take to have a successful children's ministry? The answer is simple, make it relevant to the Children... one little girl was overheard leaving Children's Church on Sunday Morning saying... "...this is the funnest part of Sunday"


Children from about the age of 3 to 11 attend Children's' Church, they sing songs about Jesus, learn to pray, they hear lessons from the Bible, and learn Memory Verses. After the worship service, they break up in groups; the older children do work sheets about the lesson they just had, while the younger children color pictures about the lesson.

In the face of twenty-first century challenges, the church must strengthen its commitment to reach every person, including children; Children's Church is a Mission to Kids. It is a mission born out of Prayer, and a Study of God's Word.

Being Fishers of Men, also means being Fishers of Kids...


The Children's Church at White Tanks Southern Baptist Church is a ministry plan with a mission and a vision; it is the vehicle for communicating and implementing the direction Jesus gave to us when He said, "...Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14

The lesson, and the songs and the stories of Children's Church are evangelical in nature, in keeping with our understandingof the principles of Christianity, which are: Salvation through Jesus Christ alone, Living a Christian life, Faith in God, Love, Forgiveness, Reading the Bible Daily, Prayer, and Witnessing. The Children's Church continually works to put our kids in remembrance of Jesus and His truths, even though they think they know it all and are established in those truths, so that when they leave our Sunday Service, they will always have these truths firmly and deeply rooted in them, and be able to stand strong in the faith of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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